On Friday, The Daily Caller reported that a leaked video shows a Senate staffer engaging in anal sex with an unknown man in a Senate hearing room. According to the...
In this special international episode, we get the chance to talk to folks in Brazil about the farmworkers who are being trapped in slave-like conditions, and about a truly radical...
Video game workers picketed the 2023 Game Awards in protest of sizable layoffs. Some 8,000 workers were laid off in the industry this year, despite record-breaking projected profits of $180...
Black athletes have not only changed how the game of soccer is played; around the world, they’ve also harnessed their positions to fight for justice and political change through the...
Censorship is all the rage in global governance these days as entire national governments, including those of the United States and the United Kingdom, feverishly work to unleash their global censorship...
A Trump-bashing federal judge who is hearing one of the Democrat-launched cases against President Donald Trump has announced a stay in the case. That means nothing more will happen, no...
Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” giant Moderna has hired a secret police force to monitor and control the vaccine debate online. And its officers are none other than bought-off agents from the...
Hillary Clinton Lies Compilation Hillary Clinton lies on the issues, views, immigration, abortion, healthcare and more. Hillary Clinton is a liar. Bill and Hillary Clinton are liars. From Watergate until...
Former President Barack Obama was ridiculed Tuesday by Americans after he revealed during an interview keeps him up at night and called for gun confiscation. Obama was interviewed by far-left...