A horrific incident unfolded at an Indianapolis Waffle House in the early hours of Monday, leaving one woman dead and at least five individuals injured. This tragic event serves as...
In recent years, there has been one enormous crisis after another. We live at a time of major wars, global pestilences and billion dollar natural disasters. Millions have died over...
Kelly Wong is the first non-citizen to be appointed to the San Francisco Election Commission, as we reported earlier today. She’s not eligible to vote in US elections. So why...
With President’s Day (Feb. 19) and George Washington’s birthday (Feb. 22) falling this week, I’ve got some fascinating information to share that I dug up. Like you, I’ve been watching...
The political wars rage on in Washington, D.C., as Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Oh.) calls for a transcribed interview with a former Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) official who allegedly flagged consumer...
Pro-life peaceful protestors who prayed and sang hymns at a Tennessee abortion clinic in 2021 could spend up to 11 years behind bars. The Biden administration’s DOJ is using a...
There have been reports from multiple publications that there is tension between John Kriby and Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre. The first report came in January 2024 when Axios reported...
UPDATED (Video at bottom) Several children have been injured and a radio DJ is dead after gunshots rang out during the celebration parade for the Kansas City Chiefs after they...
A lot of leftist moves have been made by Congress in recent years. A law that allows spying on Americans. Another that feds have used to target and jail pro-life...
The House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has learned that the Biden regime, and specifically former Biden White House Senior Advisor for the Covid response Andy Slavitt, bullied...