Bill Maher’s Plan to Stop School Shootings

I’ve never been a fan of people like Bill Maher, but thanks to the extremely woke leftists, people like Maher are finally getting some common sense again.

On Friday’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the comedian made a powerful declaration, advocating for an absolute media blackout concerning school shooters. He believes that if we simply stop giving these criminals the attention or notoriety they seek, it might prevent future attacks in schools and other public places.

Maher further asserted that he wouldn’t want anyone to hear anything about the alleged murderers – this could be our best defense against subsequent violence occurring within institutions of learning.

“The other thing I’d like to say about this as we’re — the media — anxiously waiting on all this information about the shooter … how about we have a blackout on the shooters and what they did?” Maher began, to applause from the audience.

“You know, this is … Yesterday was the opening of the baseball season,” Maher continued, adding, “Now, in baseball, when somebody runs on the field, the camera doesn’t show it. They don’t give that person any publicity. Why can’t we at least do that in this country?”

“I don’t want to hear anything about it. We know it happened. I don’t want to know about — I don’t want to know what orientation this person is, how old they are, what their manifesto said. I don’t give a s*** about any of it, because it’s just going to inspire the next one because they all feed on each other,” he added. “That’s the least the media could do.”

Ben Shapiro had said something similar following the 2018 shooting at Marjorie Stonemason Douglas High School.

“It has become increasingly clear in recent years that the value of public knowledge regarding specific names and photographs of mass shooters is significantly outweighed by the possibility of encouraging more mass shootings,” Shapiro said. “Studies suggest that media coverage of mass shootings can have a significant impact on the psyches of potential mass shooters — that such potential mass shooters have a cognitive craving for attention, which they know they will receive for committing atrocities.”

I think there more than need to be done to stop these senseless shootings, but I would imagine that what Maher says would help to some degree.

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