Ok, so there is a lot to explain here. First of all, when President Trump “turned himself in” after being indicted for a slew of ridiculous charges, there was a protest outside. Now, follow along because this is going to get interesting…
First, watch this video, because it is important to see first.
You’ll notice a few things in the video. First, there are some liberals protesting and they have this giant flag that says, “Trump Lies All The Time”. Then you see some woman wearing a MAGA hat come up and walk on the flag and then start pulling on it. Then we see her start pulling on the flag.
But then, we see a couple of women start trying to stop her. Well, one of those women is a PROFESSIONAL RIOTER and RIOT TRAINER! This is what she does.
Her name is Lisa Fithian and she is a far-left radical and professional agitator who has been involved in planning protests in various cities around the world, such as Seattle, Washington; Prague, Czech Republic; Genoa, Italy; Quebec City, Canada; New York City; Sacramento, California; and Cancun, Mexico. Most recently, she made her way to Miami ahead of the Free Trade Area of the Americas meeting scheduled for November 17th with the intent to scout out the surrounding area and meet with local activist groups to plan how best to “derail” negotiations.
So, right there with her present, that should be our first flag that something isn’t right here.
I don’t know if it’s as clear for everyone else as it is for me, but there is a CLEAR distinction in the way that liberals act versus how conservatives act. It is as different as night and day and if I told you to watch that video without paying attention to her hat and just listen to her speak, you would think that she’s a liberal. For me, it’s like a sixth sense. It’s not just the way that they talk, it’s also the way that they look and their body language. It is just markedly different than the way the rest of the country behaves.
But this supposed Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat just looks like fake supporter. I’m telling you I can spot them a mile away. Now, watch what she does here and ignore the hat. Who is she?
Now, notice her phone case. Guess what that is? It says “Hail Satan” along with the numbers 666, a satanic cross, and a Baphomet goat. Does this sound like a Trump supporter to you?
I searched for that design specifically and found it, but look what else I found…
Tell me, as a Trump supporter, would you buy something from this site? Karl Marx? Really? I’m calling BS on this one.