Why is the Left Desperate to Label Those Witnessing Black-Eyed Demonic Visions as ‘Diseased’?

It’s quite alarming to observe the mainstream media’s recent efforts to dismiss and trivialize the accounts of individuals who claim to have seen faces resembling demons with completely black eyes. As these stories gain traction on social media platforms, mainstream outlets are quick to label these experiences as symptoms of a rare disorder called prosopometamorphopsia. This is yet another example of how the liberal-leaning media attempts to control narratives and manipulate public opinion.

If you came into contact with someone with a face that looked like a demon and eyes that were completely black as night, what would you do? Encounters of this nature are popping up on social media at the exact same time that the mainstream media is trying really hard to convince all of us that anyone that is seeing black-eyed demon faces has a “disorder”. In fact, if you type “demon face” into Google News, you will literally get hundreds of articles about a disorder known as prosopometamorphopsia. But this is a very, very rare disorder. At this point, less than 100 cases of PMO have ever been documented.(source)

The sudden surge in attention towards this extremely rare disorder raises eyebrows. The narrative seems forced and conveniently timed to discredit personal accounts appearing on social media. It’s also worth noting that most news stories about this “disorder” focus primarily on one man from Tennessee named Victor Sharrah. Once again, we witness the left-wing media’s attempt to control how we perceive and interpret reality.

While there may be merit in diagnosing those who consistently see distorted faces with prosopometamorphopsia, it doesn’t explain the sudden rise in sightings of individuals with “demon faces”. The media’s attempt to brush off these encounters as mere symptoms of a rare disorder is not only dismissive but also raises more questions than it answers.

Furthermore, there is an alarming surge in reports about a monkeypox strain with “pandemic potential” spreading in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While this may seem unrelated, it’s another example of how important issues are often overshadowed by the mainstream media’s obsession with controlling narratives.

Earlier today, I was extremely alarmed to read that a monkeypox strain with “pandemic potential” has been spreading in the Democratic Republic of Congo…(source)

In conclusion, we must remain vigilant and question narratives that are presented to us by mainstream outlets. Whether it’s dismissing personal accounts as symptoms of a rare disorder or downplaying the potential threat of a new virus strain, we must remember that information is often manipulated to serve certain agendas. As conservatives, we value truth and transparency above all else and will continue to seek out reliable sources for our information.

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