The Boy Scouts of America, a once revered organization that has shaped the lives of countless young men, appears to be the latest victim of the left’s relentless manipulation of language and societal norms.
In what appears to be a misguided attempt to stay relevant in today’s overly ‘woke’ society, the organization announced they will rebrand as “Scouting America” in an effort to reflect their supposed commitment to welcoming all youth and families across America.
This rebranding will take effect on Feb. 8, 2025, coinciding with the organization’s 115th anniversary. This move signifies a further departure from its original mission – something we thought had already occurred when they decided to go co-ed back in 2019.
By claiming to ‘welcome every youth’, it’s clear that they are capitulating to the left’s push for ‘inclusiveness’ without explicitly stating so. This term has become a popular buzzword among those who champion woke culture.
However, reality does not conform to this agenda. It’s been understood since time immemorial that boys and girls are different. One can’t help but ponder what the founders of the Boy Scouts would think about the current state of their organization – it’s likely they’d be turning in their graves.
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