WATCH: Psaki’s Tries to Hang with the Big Dogs…Gets OWNED

Former White House Press Secretary and current MSNBC host, Jen Psaki, recently made some questionable comments during an interview with Kara Swisher. Psaki claimed that former President Trump named the Space Force after a Steve Carrell movie, attempting to come off as intellectual and high-minded.

In her attempt to mock Trump, she ended up playing herself as the idiot!

PSAKI: The name, there, like, hurt by the branding, the name. So let me just say that. That was what was going on in my head.

SWISHER: What would you call them?

PSAKI: I don’t know, but Space Force is literally the name of a Steve Carrel movie. Could we have done something different?

The issue with her statement is that the Steve Carrell show was released after Trump had already established the Space Force.

The conversation took an even stranger turn when Psaki began to sound like a ranting Hillary Clinton.

Later in the interview, Swisher questioned Psaki’s self-proclaimed transition from politics to journalism.

SWISHER: You switched to journalist essentially. Do you think you’re a journalist?


(Audience busts out laughing)

It’s clear that Psaki’s attempts at intellectualism and journalism have fallen flat, resulting in nothing more than a series of incorrect statements and misguided rants.

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