Slow Joe Claims to be ‘First Black Woman’ to ‘Serve with Black President!’ (Audio)

In a recent interview that aired on Philadelphia-based WURD, President Joe Biden made a claim that raised eyebrows and stirred controversy. The president stated he was “proud” to be the “first black woman to serve with a black president.” This statement, which many consider not only factually incorrect but also confusing, sparked various reactions across social media platforms.

During his conversation with Andrea Lawful-Sanders, Biden said, “And by the way, I’m proud to be – as I’ve said – the first Vice President – first black woman to serve with a black president.”

This comment garnered responses from multiple online sources. A notable response came from Twitchy who retorted:

Joe needs to just stop talking. He should really take a play out of his boom from 2020 and hide in his basement. Do not be surprised if a new pandemic is being doctored up to make that happen.

The incident led several others to voice their opinions on social media platforms as well. Many expressed disbelief at the president’s remark while others predicted that the White House may soon attempt damage control by claiming we misheard what Biden actually said.

This incident once again raises questions about Biden’s ability to communicate effectively and accurately while in office.

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