WATCH! Bewildered Joe Caught in a Trance for Half a Minute

President Joe Biden displayed an unsettling period of disorientation for a staggering 25 seconds at a Philadelphia church. This incident occurred immediately following the pastor’s call for everyone to stand, leaving spectators puzzled and concerned.

The awkward episode unfolded while Biden was making various campaign stops in Pennsylvania. The public is left wondering what could have possibly distracted him or led to such a momentary lapse.

This is not an isolated occurrence but merely the latest addition to an ever-increasing catalogue of embarrassing moments where our president appears bewildered and out of touch.

To add further fuel to the fire, while “Amazing Grace” was being sung, Biden had the nerve to gesture towards himself when the line “wretch like me” was recited. It’s difficult not to see some humor in this regrettable spectacle.

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