Chuck Schumer Tried To One Up Trump, One LOUD PATRIOT Had Him Soiling Himself! [VIDEO]

Ever since Justice Ginsburg died, the liberals have been chomping at the bit to try and stop President Trump from nominating a new Supreme Court Justice.
You know, as if they don’t realize it is his right to do so.
The top tier liberals in Congress have been trying to do everything that they can to mess with the President so it is not surprising they are doing it again now.
Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the gang known as the Democrat Party, have become unhinged and said that there is nothing they will take off the table when it comes to obstructing the nomination process.  Some have floated a 2nd impeachment, others floated a shut down of the government by the House, others yet have suggested ‘packing the court’ if and when the Democrats regain the Presidency and the Senate.

Regardless, right now Trump is our President and the Republicans control the Senate.  Dismayed by these facts, Chuck Schumer held a press conference, one which was attended by some people who seem not to be the biggest fans of the senior Senator.
WATCH (Warning: Language):

Hecklers disrupt @SenSchumer presser on RBG’s replacement, clearly annoying the N.Y. senator
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 22, 2020
A heckler roasted Chuck: “You ain’t doing shit! Stop lying to the American people!”
Don’t worry, that was not it, it gets even better. Shortly there after, an anomaly (an honest reporter) reminded Chuck that Trump is able to nominate a new Justice and that his pick could be confirmed because the Republicans won the elections necessary to control the White House and the Senate.
“The reason why there is going to be likely a third conservative justice in the court is because President Trump won the election, that Senate Republicans won the majority,” a reporter informed Schumer, much to his dismay. The Senator was visibly shook.
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