Former President Donald Trump has recently unveiled an innovative plan that could revolutionize the restaurant and hospitality sectors. In a move that is set to impact over 12 million Americans, primarily in major urban areas,
Trump plans to eradicate taxes on tips! This bold initiative not only displays his commitment to the working class but also strategically positions him for potential victories in states like Nevada and beyond.
Trump said during his rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, “This is the first time I’ve said this, and for those hotel workers and people that get tips – you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office we are going to not charge taxes on people making tips.”
“First thing in office,” he said, “We’re not going after you for taxes anymore.”
It’s high time someone stood up against heavy taxation – a practice often used by Democrats as a tool of control over hardworking citizens. This plan demonstrates yet again why Republican leadership is vital in securing economic freedom for all Americans.
The audacity of this proposal underscores its brilliance. As many have said before – TAXATION IS THEFT!