The economic bubble, inflated by the reckless policies of the Biden regime, is on the brink of bursting. This is not a baseless claim but a prediction made by renowned...
On Monday evening, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hosted a Juneteenth concert at the White House featuring Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle. Despite returning from a five-day trip to Paris,...
The Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho, is taking a bold stand this June that has left liberals fuming. Instead of adhering to the mainstream trend of celebrating Pride Month,...
Former President Donald Trump has recently unveiled an innovative plan that could revolutionize the restaurant and hospitality sectors. In a move that is set to impact over 12 million Americans,...
It’s no secret that the opposition is trying to remove former (and rightful) President Donald Trump from the ballot – a clear indication of their fear and insecurity! The Trump...
The Georgia State Election Board has finally admitted, in a written statement, that it broke the election law during the 2020 elections. This admission shatters the baseless claim that the...
Joe and Jill Biden visited Normandy last Thursday to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a pivotal event in world history. However, instead of paying due respect to the occasion,...
In a questionable move that underscores the Democrats’ disregard for public safety, the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts is gearing up to replace police officers with unarmed social workers for certain...
In an alarming display of misinformation, the Biden White House recently put forth a claim that is patently false. It was stated that “guns are the number one killer of...
On a recent episode of MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight,” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) once again demonstrated her knack for partisan rhetoric. She accused Republicans of being caught up in a...