It always seems that the ones that are crying about something the loudest always seem to be the most guilty.
For example, I was in Philadelphia on business a few years ago and decided to visit one of my cousins. We went out to dinner and I stayed at his house for the night. We were watching the news and there was something on the news about a street where everyone’s tires got slashed.
There was this guy that was really impassioned and talked to the news about how they were going to find the guy that did this and so on…a week later they found out it was him.
Am I the only one who thinks that many Dems quasi-embracing the ‘defund the police’ movement, or at the very least, not calling it out as absurd, is telling?
These are the same Democrats who are letting people out of prisons and jails at a record pace … does this seem normal to you? Because it sure does not seem normal to me. Listen to de Blasio brag about it … as his city sees a surge in crime and lawlessness:
Now the Indy Star is reporting:
‘ A man who led a protest from a skateboard through North Conway last month and called for defunding the police was charged with child pornography. On Father’s Day (June 21), Chris DeVries, 37, of Jackson led a protest he called “Skate Away the Hate,” which involved people riding bikes and skateboards down Route 16 from Schouler Park to Depot Road and back.
At the protest, DeVries spoke through a bullhorn and listed off a number of demands that he said came from local chapters of Black Lives Matter. “If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” said DeVries. “Those funds can go to local communities and social services.”’
Ahhhhh, now it makes sense and even the ‘blind can see’ why some people want to defund the police … they are … wait for it … waaaaaaait CRIMINALS committing … CRIMES! Imagine my shock to learn that people who obey the law and pay taxes want to be protected from … you guess it, those who break the law by infringing on their rights and threatening their safety! Shocking, I know.
The Star went on:
‘Jackson Police Chief Chris Perley said Sunday that DeVries was charged with six counts of possessing child sexual abuse images, one count of possession of psilocybin mushrooms and one of falsifying physical evidence.’
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