Seriously?? Here’s What the Left is Blaming for Rising Home Insurance Rates

Is there anything the liberals won’t blame on climate change? According to CBS and NBC, that is the reason home insurance rates are skyrocketing, conveniently ignoring other factors like inflation and the economic policies of the Biden administration. This narrative is a double win for them – it absolves Biden of any responsibility and promotes their climate change agenda simultaneously.

It’s like they are just rolling the dice and coming up with the most insane answers at this point.

NewsBusters reports:

CBS, NBC Find Culprit For Spiking Home Insurance Rates: Climate Change

The Regime Media appear to have settled on a non-Bidenomics or inflation culprit for the ongoing spike in home insurance rates: climate change. CBS and NBC did so immediately after delivering rosy reports on inflation and holding out hope for a single rate cut this year.

Most emblematic of this coverage is NBC’s report, which establishes climate change as a primary culprit of the rise in home ownership costs:

BRIAN CHEUNG: The costs of owning and maintaining a home have soared, up 26% since 2020 according to one analysis. And home insurance is a major piece. That’s up 20%. One of the reasons, climate change. Last year, the United States had a record 28 separate weather and climate disasters costing at least $1 billion, with insurance companies losing money in 16 states. And now many insurers are dropping customers from their policies, sometimes leaving entire states-

The networks will often insert high cost-of-living stories behind reports on the monthly Fed meeting, Consumer Price Index reports, and related rate decisions. Which makes today’s “hide the suck” reports even more interesting.

Even if one believes that climate change may be a reason for spiking home ownership costs, the fact remains that inflation is the primary driver- both seen and unseen.

This isn’t about climate change at all. As the Heritage Foundation aptly pointed out, “The significant rise in costs in the insurance industry doesn’t have to do with climate change. It’s a good cop-out for progressives to use though instead of addressing the real culprits.”

The state of our media is truly disheartening.

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