Channeling Hitler: Lying Biden Ramps Up Campaign Of Hate With Ad Smearing Millions Of Americans (Video)

On Thursday, Joe Biden, the lying demented fraudulent asshole installed as president in 2021, channeled his inner Hitler with a propaganda video smearing millions of Americans as “extremists” in a clear effort to incite violence against Trump and his supporters.

Twitchy observed:

Obama said some pretty snotty things about Americans he disagreed with, calling us all bitter clingers but this new narrative Biden is spewing in his first 2024 ad is just hateful. We are reminded of the speech he delivered in front of a red backdrop when he called us all a threat to democracy.

Was that before or after he told millions of us we were in for a winter of sickness and death?

The guy is a real charmer …

The Gateway Pundit added:

Under Biden, American patriots are in jail without due process, and his main political opponent President Donald Trump has been indicted four times. Let’s not forget that numerous blue states are trying to remove Trump from the 2024 ballots.

Biden exploits January 6th to push his leftist agenda.

TGP reported on Wednesday that crooked Joe will be at Valley Forge this Saturday to talk about the dangers of white supremacy. Apparently, all Trump supporters are white supremacists according to Biden.

Saturday will be the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 fed-surrection where Capitol Police Officers fired on unsuspecting Trump supporters without warning and killed three Trump supporters through violence. A fourth Trump supporter died that day from a heart attack.

No Capitol police officers died in the riots.

Joe Biden will use the J6 anniversary to accuse Trump supporters of being white supremacists.

Social media responded:

We agree.

Biden and the Democrats would love nothing more than to see Trump, his family, and millions of supporters murdered in cold blood. This is just one part of that effort.

Because Biden doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about any of that. All he wants is violence, hate, and bloodshed.


No argument there…

Keep in mind this is the same Joe Biden trying to jail his main opponent while the DNC is working hard to remove all primary opposition from state ballots.  And he has the damn gall to lecture about “democracy.”

The truth is, Biden and the rest of the subversive Democrat Party is the greatest threat facing America at the moment.

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