Check Out These Five Bizarre Traits Of Modern Leftists

Liberalism today is not what it used to be. The anti-war, peace-loving, freedom-embracing liberals of old have been transformed into deranged leftists who seem to have lost all sense of reason as they embrace and push bizarre doctrines like childhood transgenderism and hatred for carbon dioxide due to “global warming.”

The following five examples display the sheer mental illness that has overtaken the modern left:

1) Irrational fear of Russia

Back in the day, liberals were the ones standing up for Russia while conservatives feared the former Soviet Union’s communist tendencies, but all of that has changed in the modern era.

Today’s liberals are nothing like their predecessors. Though Russia is continuing to reform, leftists today consider Russia to be a rogue state run by a maniacal dictator who must be stopped through war, which yesterday’s liberals opposed.

“The anti-Russia doctrine on the left is now ironclad and unshakeable,” writes Jeffrey Tucker for Daily Reckoning. “Even after the claim that Russia somehow got Trump elected in 2016 was shown to be completely rot the left won’t let go.”

“Anything that goes wrong anywhere is blamed on Russia. Any pundit who disagrees with the left is smeared as a Russian agent (yes, they have said this about me!) … I have no real explanation for this bizarre turn.”

2) Irrational fear of oil, gas and coal

The modern-day left has been co-opted into strange climate change doctrines that blame weather disasters on things like cow farts and meat eating. Another common scapegoat is earth-based “fossil” fuels like oil, gas and coal, which the left wants eradicated.

The left’s envisioned “green” future only allows for “renewable” energy technologies like windmills, solar panels and wishful thinking. Anything else is considered to be earth-destroying heresy.

“No evidence can shake their view,” Tucker explains. “Raise doubts about this ‘climate change’ story and you are dismissed as an anti-science crank, even though Nobel laureates have debunked the narrative, too.”

3) Belief in more than two genders

The Cult of LGBTQ has become a hallmark of modern-day leftism, which embraces a doctrine of unlimited genders. Mutilating children is becoming the norm among Democrats, who claim that children should be allowed to embrace their “true selves” with puberty-blocking pharmaceuticals and invasive surgeries.

(Related: Back in late 2022, we reported that a growing number of women are rejecting men who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] because they want to protect themselves from spike protein bioweapons.)

4) Hatred for free speech

Remember all the hippies from the 1960s who preached love, not war, and free speech rather than censorship? Today’s leftists are a far cry from all that, opposing the First Amendment with a vengeance.

“One hundred years ago, it was a rallying cry,” Tucker writes about how yesterday’s leftists and Americans in general cherished the First Amendment and everything it affords to a free and fair society.

“The idea was absolute: No one should be throttled, much less censored … To speak and be heard was the very essence of freedom itself.”

5) Spite for the working class

Yesterday’s liberals championed the working class as they supported unions and other efforts to ensure fair pay for the nation’s workers – but no longer. Today’s leftists have basically turned against the working class.

“Everyone on the left seemed to agree that the professional class should luxuriate at home and watch movies while the working classes should drive around trucks with food and deliver it to the front doors of the progressive vanguard of pathogenic control,” Tucker says.

“They simply cared nothing at all for those doing actual work. Later they came after them with experimental meds and tried to force them on all workers.”

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