Glenn Beck DEBUNKS Biden’s LIES About Inflation and the Border Crisis

The latest polls show that the two most concerning issues for Americans are the economy and uncontrolled immigration. However, the Biden administration’s manipulation and denial of the severity of these problems is both offensive and misleading.

While officials and their allies in the media insist “the economy is doing fine! What’s the fuss about?!” and “We have the border situation under control! Trump’s handling of migrants was much worse!” the reality is clear to all of us.

We can feel and witness the impact of these issues in our daily lives. If there’s a part of you that starts to believe these untruths, it’s because you’re being deceived. Glenn explains the origin of this term and shares scenes from the 1944 film “Gaslight,” in which a husband tries to convince his wife she’s going insane.

Fast forward to 2023: Biden is manipulating us. We’re being misled about the state of the economy and the true situation at the border. Glenn reveals the actual statistics, and some are truly alarming…

Glenn Beck addresses this in the YouTube video below:


During the communist era in Hungary, there was a joke that goes like this: A local party official asked a farmer how many piglets a pig would have. The farmer replied that only God knows. The official hit him and demanded an answer. Frightened, the farmer asked how many piglets were needed. The official said the plan was for 14. The farmer said the pig would have 14 piglets then. When only 10 piglets were born, the official reported 11, knowing no one would question the discrepancy. The chain continued with inflated numbers until it reached the president, who proudly stated, “We have 14 piglets according to plan, and we’ll export 10 and keep the rest for ourselves.”

Gaslighting is like someone lying to you while you feel the truth firsthand!

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