Hillary Clinton Lies Compilation
Hillary Clinton lies on the issues, views, immigration, abortion, healthcare and more. Hillary Clinton is a liar. Bill and Hillary Clinton are liars. From Watergate until now.
While Hillary Rodham Clinton was a 27-year-old staff attorney on the House Judiciary Committee. She was allegedly fired by her supervisor who was lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. Allegedly, when asked why she was fired, Zeifman stated, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”
All very accurate statements. The only issue is that Zeifman was not Hillary’s supervisor. He didn’t fire her, nor did he have the capability to fire her. He has gone on record and said he did not fire her. He would have fired her if he had the opportunity, but that is not relevant.
While this is not a lie by Hillary, this is a topic that is highly associated with her. That is why it is a part of this article.
Hillary On Our National Language
English “is our national language…if it becomes official, that means in a place like New York City you can’t print ballots in any other language.” – Hillary Clinton on January 3, 2007 in New Hampshire
English is not the United States national language. She supported this move on a vote in the Senate, but ultimately it was a failed immigration bill. At no point has Congress declared English our “national language.”
2005 Energy Bill Was a Waste
“So that 2005 energy bill was a big step backwards on the path to clean, renewable energy. That’s why I voted against it.” – Hillary Clinton on January 15, 2008 in Las Vegas
You know the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Hillary certainly wishes that policy was applied here.
While a televised MSNBC debate was going on, Hillary called the law a “Dick Cheney lobbyist energy bill.” She also said it gave enormous tax breaks the gas and oil industry. Hillary obviously did not vote in favor of this bill. She claimed that as president she would invest 50 million in clean, renewable energy.
This bill was none of the things she said. It provided a huge boost to the renewable fuel industry.
Hillary Claims The Different Between Her and Obama is “35 Years of Experience”
Obviously, none of that experience was in math.
At the time, Hillary did have 35 years of experience in politics. That doesn’t account for any of Obama’s experience. He had 12 years in the United States and Illinois Senate alone. Altogether he had around 20 years of experience. Hillary should have consulted a math expert before spewing out these insane claims.
Claims Trump Has Made Nothing in the US
Says Donald Trump “doesn’t make a thing in America.” – Hillary Clinton on July 29, 2016 at Temple University
This is far from true. Trump has made many things in the United States. Any type of quick investigation can tell you that.
The quote came after a week of people taking shots at Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention. Obviously, Hillary was inspired by all of the shots and felt the need to try to create something and one-up the rest of the people taking shots. So she lied to make herself stand out above the rest.
Accused Mike Pence of Slashing Education Funding in Indiana
Says Tim Kaine invested in education and Trump’s VP Mike Pence slashed education funding. – Hillary Clinton on July 23, 2016 in Miami
The claim about these two is an exaggeration at the least and a big fat lie at the worst. Let’s dig into it a little deeper.
Let’s start with Pence. Indiana education spending has increased every year since he has been in office back in 2013. When looking at spending on Indiana education on K-12 and higher education combined, they hit record highs in 2014 through now. This was compiled by Larry DeBoer a professor at Purdue University.
The Virginia spending on education actually went down for Kaine. That said, Kaine took office in 2006, then a recession hit in 2007 and that put the squeeze on many of the state budgets.
There are many reasons for the increases and decreases in budgets and spending. However, to say that Kaine invested and Pence slashed is a flat out lie. It sends an unfair message to the voters. They get an inaccurate view of the agendas of the two men.
She Never Sent Classified Email On Her Private Server
Says she “never received nor sent any material that was marked classified” on her private email server while secretary of state. – Hillary Clinton on July 2, 2016 on MSNBC
There have been loads of findings by the FBI that destroy this defense by Hillary. She has stuck to this case for a year and even continues to up to this date. To many, this is the crown jewel of Hillary Clinton lies.
She has made these claims in two different ways. She has said she “never sent classified emails.” Also she said she never sent emails “that were classified at the times it was sent or received.”
FBI Director James Comey made statements that directly dispute the ones by Hillary.
Hillary has been attempting to make it out as if she has sent zero classified emails. This has been proven time and time again to be incorrect. Yet she still continues to make the claims.
Hillary Claimed Her Email Practices Were Allowed
“It was allowed,” she said with regards to her email server.
This is another claim Hillary continues to stick with. She claims her email practices were allowed. This is despite the fact that an independent audit found that they really were not allowed.
Experts strongly claim that there is no doubt that Hillary should have known better. No one believes that she honestly believes her email practices were allowed. At this point the Hillary Clinton lies were piling up and she was hesitant to admit to another.
Since no one stopped her from these email practices, she claims they were allowed. No one stopping her is different from them being allowed. And no one honestly believes that she thought her email practices were allowed.
Off Base Comparison Of Mortgage Applications Being Decided by Race
“You are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you’re a white applicant than if you’re black or Hispanic, even if you have the same credentials.” – Hillary Clinton on February 18, 2016 on MSNBC-Telemundo
With this statement, Hillary Clinton reached a nationally televised audience. Itt also went viral on the Internet, reaching millions of more people. To counter someone on YouTube posted a video titled, “Hillary Lies About Mortgage Lending.”
An audience member asked how Hispanics would be able to buy or keep their home. So Hillary came back hard, the best way she knows how. By adding to the collection of Hillary Clinton lies.
What Hillary did was take some facts, change around a few words and make them into a powerful statement. She used the denial rates to say that blacks get denied three times and Hispanics two times more than whites with the same credentials. If she was being factual she would have not added the aprt about having the same credentials.
Hillary admits she misspoke on the issue. Which is a fancy word for lie. One that she likes to use quite a bit. Either way she has a huge lead in the black and Hispanic voters. The Hillary Clinton lies are piling up, aren’t they?
“I am the only candidate on either side who has laid out a specific plan about what I would do to defeat ISIS.” – Hillary Clinton on January 20, 2016 in Burlington, Iowa
Hillary Clinton has gained international experience while serving as President Obama’s Secretary of State.
She took things a step further and claimed that she has a very specific, exact plan for taking on ISIS. This claim sounded odd, as many of the other competitors have claimed that they have plans to “bomb the hell out of ISIS.”
While Clinton may have a plan in place, there were many others who also did.
ISIS Using Trump As A Recruiting Tool
ISIS is “going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.” – Hillary Clinton on December 19, 2015 at Democratic Presidential Debate
Hillary claimed that Donald Trump has become ISIS’s best recruiter. She claimed that ISIS will begin showing videos of trumping spewing hate on ISIS and use that to recruit more and more radical jihadists.
Loads of people around the world and on Twitter began questioning this statement. Is there any fact to back it up? Google searches with regards to the issue came up with nothing. On top of that, Clinton provided no video that would back up her claim.
Add this to the growing list of Hillary Clinton lies.
Hillary Clinton Lies About Landing Under Sniper Fire In Bosnia
“I remember landing under sniper fire.” – Hillary Clinton on March 17, 2008 in Washington DC
Hillary Clinton was giving a speech on foreign policy in Iraq. She was talking about her days as First Lady. In order to make the story more impressive, she included the part where they put their heads down and ran to their vehicles to take cover from sniper fire. Here is the rest of the quote per Politico.
“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead, we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
Unfortunately for Hillary, there is visual evidence of a very calm and peaceful landing.
As far as embarrassment goes, this one could be the worst of the Hillary Clinton lies.
Hillary Blamed Benghazi On An Online Video
Hillary claimed that the Benghazi attacks were a result of an online video
There was a video released that mocked the prophet, Mohammed, as well as mocking Islam. This video had caused a great deal of demonstrations, including others that happened the same day as Benghazi.
As it turns out, there were no protests in Benghazi that day with regards to the video. Family members of the Benghazi victims mentioned said Clinton mentioned the video in their meetings.
This one is difficult to completely prove as one of the Hillary Clinton lies. While different family members have all made the same claim with regards to this, all we have to go on is their word. Hillary has denied the statements, while the Benghazi victims families maintain their claims.
Due to Hillary’s incredible track record of lies, it leave us no choice but to take the words of the victims. She has shown no ability to tell the truth, so this is chalked up as another lie for her.
Here is an emotionally charged video of Patricia Smith, Sean Smith’s mother, accusing Hillary of lying.
We Know There Are More Lies!
This is just the start of our collection of Hillary Clinton lies. Good luck trying to put together a compilation of very single lie that Hillary Rodham Clinton that has ever been told. However, we have a commitment to making this as comprehensive of a list of Hillary Clinton lies as we can possibly come up with.