Keith Olbermann Shockingly Calls for Trump’s Downfall

Liberalism, at its very essence, is an ideology steeped in unhinged, genocidal rage and hatred. This assertion is proven correct by liberals almost daily. It’s no secret that they harbor a deep-seated desire to see former President Donald Trump, his family, and his millions of supporters eradicated. Keith Olbermann, a liberal commentator known for his extreme views, recently demonstrated this.

Olbermann responded to a pro-Biden campaign tweet stating “Trump says he has been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated,” with the chilling words: “There’s always the hope.”

In essence, Olbermann appears to be advocating for Trump’s assassination. Naturally, this sparked a flurry of reactions.

Indeed, Olbermann’s behavior is typical of liberals…

The answer seems to be: Yes.

Yes, he does. But his presence on the site allows Americans to see firsthand the unhinged and violent nature of liberals.

No, they won’t.

One person posted:

Will Twitter take action against this? We’re not holding our breath. We can expect more of this from the left in the run-up to November.

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