Liberal Terrorism? Jonathan Turley Reportedly SWATTED After Speaking Out Against Swatting

How far are liberal terrorists willing to go to get their way?  On Friday, RedState reported that legal scholar and analyst Jonathan Turley was the target of a swatting incident — after he spoke out against swatting.

This comes on the heels of three Republican lawmakers being swatted since Christmas: Sen. Rick Scott, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Rep. Brandon Williams.

According to Fox:

“Swatting constitutes a false police report that can be criminally charged,” Turley said. “Virginia recently passed a new law making swatting specifically a criminal misdemeanor. It can also be charged as a form of criminal threats.”

“This is a crime that flourishes because there is insufficient deterrent,” Turley continued. “The anonymity and rare prosecutions combine to fuel this form of criminal harassment.”

“There is no mystery to how to address these crimes. There must be greater detection and penalties to achieve deterrence,” he added.

The report explains:

The crime targets an individual by calling in a false police report for a violent crime — such as a murder, a hostage situation or other crimes that would require a greater law enforcement response — to the home of the target.

The goal of the false police report is to elicit a SWAT team response by the police to the target’s home.

Consequently, swatting draws police resources away from real crimes while the state becomes the unwitting arm to terrorize a person at their own home.

It also puts the target in danger of being killed by police.  Which is probably what the perpetrators want.

Sen. Rick Scott told Fox the people perpetrating these actions “want” a deadly incident to happen.  In other words, they want people killed.

RedState called it “a full-scale war of intimidation being waged by the far-left,” and they’re correct.  This is nothing more than domestic terrorism.  Sadly, the illegitimate Biden Regime and the politicized DOJ is far too busy looking for anyone who might have stepped foot in the Capitol building, or too busy targeting Trump supporters to do anything about it.

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