WATCH: Biden Pleads Forgiveness for ‘F*cking Your Wife’

President Joe Biden has once more found himself in a verbal misstep, seemingly pleading for understanding after uttering an inappropriate comment. This adds to the growing list of confusing statements that continue to raise eyebrows about the current administration’s competency.

In the midst of a stream of incoherent remarks, he appears to say, “I realized I was f*cking your wife.”

Following this shocking statement, Biden said, “I personally ask you to extend your service,” then added, “forgive me.”

Though there is a chance he intended to say “talking to your wife,” many social media users are firmly convinced he used a more vulgar term. This isn’t new territory for Biden. Remember when he cheerfully announced, “I’m gonna come (cum?) in the overflow room!”

This latest incident only serves to fuel the ongoing debate about his ability to effectively lead and communicate as President. The question remains: what exactly is happening with this administration?

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