Whoops! Jake Tapper Accidentally CRUSHES Joe Biden on Live TV – WATCH!

CNN’s Jake Tapper accidentally exposes the glaring incompetence of Joe Biden on live TV, and it’s a moment that Democrats wish they could erase from history. For too long, the liberal media has coddled Biden, shielding him from the scrutiny he so richly deserves. But in this rare instance, even CNN couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room: Biden’s constant blunders and incoherent ramblings.

He said, “Joe Biden who would come out and they [Democrats] would sit on the edge of their seat and hope that he didn’t say something meandering or off message or addled.”

It’s not just Biden who’s under fire; Kamala Harris isn’t exactly a beacon of confidence either. Tapper points out that while she may not induce the same level of anxiety as Biden, she certainly doesn’t inspire much faith among Americans. The Democratic Party’s leadership is crumbling, and moments like these make it clear why Republicans are the better choice for America. It’s time for a change, and it’s time to hold our leaders accountable.

Tapper added, “She [Kamala] is not somebody that in a situation like this is going to cause Democrats that tension that we used to feel in the media, all Americans, when the president would come out and speak.”

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